Resurrection People

It is a week of ups and downs, fear, betrayal, denial, prosecution and execution. And it culminates in Resurrection. We tell this story again, starting with Palm Sunday, going through Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, remembering that joy is not automatic. Rebirth and resurrection don’t happen all at once. We often have to go through pain and hardship before we get to the sunrise of a new day, a new creation. And we do it together.

The Easter story reminds us that the core of the Christian faith is about Resurrection — not just a body that arose from a tomb, but a faith, a way of being in the world. It reminds us that death and imperial execution do not have the last word on squelching a movement of liberation, love and justice. It reminds us that after they tortured and executed Jesus of Nazareth, Christ continued to live in the world and inspire others on how to live.

On Sunday, we celebrate this fact again and recommit ourselves to living as Resurrection People. It is a day of rejoicing and a day of rededication.
Invite your friends, your neighbors, bring your family members as once again we live into the words:
Alleluia! Christis risen! Christ is risen indeed!

In faith,


Holy Week at United Parish

Maundy Thursday – April 6, 6:30pm foot-washing ceremony in the Chapel, 7pm communion service in the Sanctuary

Good Friday – April 7, 7pm Tenebrae service in the Sanctuary

Easter Egg Hunt – April 8, 9am-11am in Memorial Park (the playground next to the church), or in Willett Hall if rainy

Easter Children’s Church – April 9, 9:30-10am in the Sanctuary

Easter Potluck Brunch – April 9, 9:30-11am in the Parlor

Easter Festival Worship – April 9, 11am in the Sanctuary and YouTube, preceded by a prelude with brass quartet at 10:45am in the Sanctuary

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