
Adult Deepening Brainstorming Dinner

On Thursday, August 15 from 6:30-8:30pm in the Parlor, join us for an evening of food, faith, and calendar-ing as we plot out the spiritual year ahead and listen for where the Holy Spirit is calling us to deepen together. Light dinner provided, additional snacks to share are encouraged! Please RSVP to Associate Pastor Amy Norton at…. Read More

Conversation Corner on July 28

Join the Pastoral Support Ministry Team (PSMT) for our first Conversation Corner! Come learn more about the PSMT and share your thoughts and feedback about the service as well as any concerns or words of encouragement directly with Pastor Kent and the PSMT. Please meet us after worship in Willett Hall. The Pastoral Support Ministry Team, or PSMT, was launched this summer with the goal of facilitating conversations between the United Parish congregation, the PSMT, and the pastors. We welcome all hopes, dreams, and even worries you may have about our church, worship services, initiatives, and our collective walk with… Read More

Sign up to host a Picnic for 8

We are planning our Summer Picnics/Dinners for 8 on August 16, 17, and 18. These picnics/dinners are a chance for us to gather and deepen our connections with one another in small groups of around 8 people. Hosting entails anything from opening your home or backyard for a potluck to providing the entire meal. You are also invited to host your meal at United Parish or a public outdoor location if you like. Two or more people/families may team up to serve as hosts as well. Please click HERE to sign up to be a host. If you have questions… Read More

Thrifty Threads Updates

Thrifty Threads sent out 103 bags of clothing in 2 days this week. We were happy to share children’s clothing with Solutions at Work in Cambridge. Adult clothing went to Second Chances and ABCD. We were also able to purchase diapers and underwear to go with some donations with the money from our store sales. Thank you for your support!… Read More

Summer Worship Series

Sacred Places, Sacred Moments: A Summer Worship Series Join us to hear congregation members share homilies about the locations, physical spaces, situations, or moments in time in which they’ve felt connected to the Divine. Sundays at 10am, July 7-September 1, downstairs in Willett Hall… Read More

Worship on June 30 at 3pm only

**PLEASE NOTE: CHANGE IN WORSHIP TIME SUNDAY, JUNE 30** Our sole worship for Sunday, June 30 will be Jaz Buchanan’s ordination at 3pm in the Sanctuary. We will not have 10am worship in Willett Hall that day. We will resume regular summer worship on Sunday, July 7…. Read More

Sanctuary Configuration Survey

It’s been one full program year of worshiping in our new Sanctuary configuration. We want to hear your feedback! Please complete this survey ONLINE or PRINT and return it to Deadline to submit feedback is July 31…. Read More

20s/30s Summer Activities

Join us for one of our upcoming activities! 20/30 Vision is a group for adults in their twenties and thirties who come together to deepen their faith through Bible study, community service, social justice activities, fellowship and fun. Saturday, June 22 – Chestnut Hill Reservoir walk Saturday, July 13 – Provincetown day trip Saturday, July 27 – Game night Saturday, August 17 – Charles River Esplanade walk/picnic/hangout If anyone is willing to help plan some of these events, please contact for more information…. Read More

Summer Coffee Hour Help Needed

Please consider a fun way to connect with our summer visitors and United Parish family by signing up to set out lemonade and goodies one Sunday this summer after worship. Consider a Sunday you are available, email the Gathering Team at, and we will follow up! **Please note: If you bring treats for this fellowship time, please keep everything nut free due to the nature of the new kitchen tenant’s nut free kitchen environment. Thank you!  … Read More

Summer Parents Breakfast Club

We’ll be piloting a breakfast club for parents of young children (aka 5ish and under). We’ll meet on June 30, July 14, July 28, August 11, and August 25, and the nursery will open earlier on those Sundays so that we can gather in the Parlor at 9am for the hour before worship to share bagels, fruit, yogurt, questions, wisdom, and solidarity. So that we know how much food to prepare, please RSVP HERE. Contact Associate Pastor Amy Norton at…. Read More