Who is Our Neighbor?: Representative Tommy Vitolo

This summer we welcome our neighbors to come and share about their lives, work, passions, spirituality, and give us sense of how we can serve “our neighbors as ourselves,” following what Jesus called the second greatest commandment (Leviticus 19:17-18, Matthew 22:35-40, Mark 12:28-31, Luke 10:25-28). See speakers list below.

This Sunday, we welcome our state representative, Tommy Vitolo. From an early age, Tommy learned the value of neighbors, as he grew up in a community where “kids played outside in big groups and there were neighborhood barbecues nearly every weekend all summer long. Parents were coaches, scout leaders, PTO captains, and members of civic organizations.” When the bank foreclosed on his childhood home, it was the neighbors who quietly stepped in to help his family find a new place. Elected to the Massachusetts House in 2018, Tommy previously served on Town Meeting and has also served as Constable. His legislative interests and actions include education, clean energy, diversity and public health.

Tommy will speak with us about “extending Grace in exigent times.” And together we’ll reflect on the letter to the churches of Ephesus (4:21-32), in which followers of Christ are exhorted, among other things:
• to tell the truth to your neighbor because we are parts of each other in the same body.
• not let the sun set on your anger
 only say what is helpful when it is needed for building up the community so that it benefits those who hear what you say.
• be kind, compassionate, and forgiving to each other, in the same way God forgave you in Christ.

While Susan begins a much deserved vacation, we’ll welcome back Vivian and Margot to lead our music. Amy is attending the General Synod of the United Church of Christ.

I look forward to gathering with you once again in a spirit of neighborliness.

In faith,

Image from tommyvitolo.com

Summer Worship Series: Who is Our Neighbor?
July 2 — Tommy Vitolo, Massachusetts State Representative, 15th Norfolk
July 9 — Raul Fernandez, former Brookline Selectman
July 16 — Rachel Silverman and Erin Venkatesh, Thrifty Threads
July 23 —  United Parish Mental Health Group and guest speaker
July 30 — Reverend Carrington Moore, Executive Director, common cathedral
August 6 – Reverend Erik Hoeke, visiting pastor
August 13 Raana Mumtaz and Faiza Khan, Brookline Muslim Friends
August 20 Matthew Kossack, Executive Director, Artbarn Community Theater
August 27 TBD Aba Taylor, Executive Director, Brookline Community Foundation
September 3 Arlene Hill, Brookline Housing resident

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