GBIO Housing Justice In-District Meeting – January 29

The big GBIO event on housing justice this Monday evening, with State Sen. Cynthia Creem (representing Brookline, Newton, Wellesley) and the four reps in her district is happening this Monday evening!   We have nearly 250 people registered, with 31 of them from United Parish!

You can still register by clicking on this link — it takes about 45 seconds:

Here are the details:

Location:  Union Church Waban, 14 Collins Road in Newton (right at the Waban stop on the MBTA Green Line, D branch)

Time:  Monday, January 29 — 6:30 to 8pm.

We will be asking these elected officials to support GBIO’s campaign for public housing, affordable housing, and services for persons returning to society from incarceration.

Questions?  Contact David R. or Connor I. at