
Music at United Parish 2023-2024

Music at United Parish 2023-2024 Music is one of the United Parish’s core values. We believe that everyone has musical ability, and that music is one of God’s greatest gifts to us as human beings. Live music making (singing in a choir, singing in the congregation, playing handbells, drumming…) has been shown to actually heal the body and the mind, and we know that music can move and inspire us when words fail. Music binds us with our fellow humans like nothing else, and can even be an act of justice. In the words of St. Augustine “She who sings,… Read More

Church School and Music Programs Registration 2023-2024

Dear Church School Families, Come celebrate the start of a new Church School year with us on Welcome Back Sunday. Please join us on the front lawn of at 9:45am for families with young children (babies-elementary schoolers) and at 10:15am for families with older children (Middle-High Schoolers) on Sunday, September 10 for a special Church School Get-to-Know-You event for children, families, and Church School teachers. We will have muffins and coffee with special music on the lawn before dismissing children and their parents/guardians to meet their teachers in the classrooms on the 2nd floor. On Sunday, September 17, we are… Read More

Want to learn about housing and community action?

On Thursday, September 7, starting at 6:30 PM, Temple Beth Zion (1566 Beacon Street, Brookline) is hosting, in their Sanctuary, two terrific authors… Richard Rothstein, author of the recently-released “Just Action: How to Challenge Segregation Enacted under the Color of Law”, and Karilyn Crockett, author of “People Before Highways,” a history of how neighborhoods in Boston, Cambridge and Somerville rose up in the 1960s to stop an interstate highway extension right through their neighborhoods The panel will be moderated by Pulitzer Prize Finalist Abdallah Fayyad from the Boston Globe. Both Mr. Rothstein and Ms. Crockett have a lot for us to… Read More

Adult Drop-in Bible Study Summer 2023

Adult Drop-in Bible Study is on hiatus and will resume on September 17. Join us most Sundays at 10am in the Parlor and on Zoom for a hybrid meeting. No prep needed, no cost, no commitment. Meet your friends, learn something, and build your faith. Contact Deb Wald at…. Read More

This week at Thrifty Threads

Thrifty Threads is proud to announce donation partnerships with two new organizations, Transition House and Cambridge Women’s Center! Our volunteer Ari coordinated both donation pickups, and we were able to pass on dozens of bags filled with women’s clothing, shoes and accessories sorted by our volunteers. Transition House is a domestic violence shelter located in Cambridge, MA. Since 1976, it has provided emergency shelter and support services to women, men and children affected by intimate and domestic partner violence. Cambridge Women’s Center provides various free services to women in need, including trauma support, workshops, ESL classes, meals, a community day… Read More

United Parish Welcomes the Brookline Community Development Corporation

 We are excited to welcome the Brookline Community Development Corporation as one of our new building users. Founded in 1980, the primary purpose of the Brookline Community Development Corporation (BCDC), formally the Brookline Improvement Coalition (BIC) is to develop, own and maintain decent, safe and sanitary affordable housing for the Town of Brookline, Massachusetts, particularly for low- and moderate-income households. Learn more at…. Read More

Fall Fellowship Weekend 2023 Sign-Ups

We know we all want to hold on to summer for as long as we can but the beautiful New England fall is coming and with it, the return of our United Parish Fall Fellowship Weekend! We will be returning to Camp Aldersgate, in North Scituate, Rhode Island (just 90 mins from United Parish) from the evening of Friday, October 6 through lunch on Sunday, October 8. If you can join for some or for all of the gathering, we would love to have you. This event is open to all ages. This beloved annual tradition has been one of our… Read More

Want to be inspired about how to transform our building?

Join us this August and September as we visit neighborhood faith communities and learn about how they transformed their buildings to better serve their mission and goals. We begin on Sunday, August 27 from 12:30-1:30pm at Saint James Episcopal Church in Porter Square, Cambridge, and Wednesday, August 30 from 6-7pm at All Saints, Brookline. Any and all are welcome! Other tours will include: Kehillath Israel, Brookline; Saint Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, Boston; Saint Cecilia’s Catholic Parish, Boston; Saint Paul’s Episcopal Parish, Brookline; First Church, Cambridge. For further information, please contact Kent at…. Read More

Stewardship and Budget Update

 Thank you! As we look ahead to the beginning of the fall, the Stewardship and Budget Ministry Team would like to extend our gratitude to our generous pledgers! As of August 16, we have received pledges from 83 individuals and households, with pledges to support United Parish Operations totaling over $391,000, 82% of our budgeted operational contributions for the current fiscal year. Our team welcomes additional pledges online or on paper now and through the church year. Your pledge is the commitment of your best estimate of planned contributions to the ministries of United Parish, which has a significant impact… Read More

United Parish Missions Giving FY23

Over the past year, the United Parish Missions Giving Ministry Team has carefully considered how the church should direct our missions funds to support important, relevant causes locally, regionally, and across the world. Through diligent research, congregational referrals, and awareness of major global events, our church has donated to organizations promoting diversity and inclusion, alleviating hunger, responding to global disasters, and providing for aid and advocacy for immigrants, indigenous groups, women, children, the unhoused, and a whole lot more. Our team would like to hear even more input from the congregation. If you would like to nominate an organization or… Read More