United Parish Missions Giving FY23

Over the past year, the United Parish Missions Giving Ministry Team has carefully considered how the church should direct our missions funds to support important, relevant causes locally, regionally, and across the world. Through diligent research, congregational referrals, and awareness of major global events, our church has donated to organizations promoting diversity and inclusion, alleviating hunger, responding to global disasters, and providing for aid and advocacy for immigrants, indigenous groups, women, children, the unhoused, and a whole lot more.

Our team would like to hear even more input from the congregation. If you would like to nominate an organization or cause for close consideration by the UPMG Ministry Team, please find one of the team’s members at coffee hour or send us an email!

In total, our church allocated their budgeted $55,000 of Missions Giving across the following organizations:


Anne A., Cindy V., Prabhakar D., Robert G., & Tyler S.