GBIO Updates

GBIO (Greater Boston Interfaith Organization)

Faith / Power / Action

There are two exciting opportunities coming up soon, to get involved with GBIO’s current work at both the state and local levels.

State LevelHousing Justice Campaign

GBIO’s Housing Justice Campaign is campaigning for more funding for affordable and public housing, more opportunities in training for mental health careers, and service for persons returning from incarceration.

This fall is when we set up “In-District Meetings” with the state senator and representatives whose districts include Brookline, and seek their commitment to these justice issues.

Join us for a training on September 21, 6:30 to 8:30pm by Zoom about conducting these In-District Meetings.

*** Register on this link to join us on September 21***


Local Level – More affordable housing in Brookline

GBIO in Brookline will be holding a Teach-In about the Select Board’s new warrant article to remove unreasonable obstacles to housing development in our zoning code.  It comes up for a vote at Town Meeting this fall.   Want to learn more and get involved?

Join our fellow GBIO congregations in Brookline on Monday, October 2, 7-9pm

Temple Sinai at 50 Sewall Avenue

In-person and Zoom

(light refreshments will be served)

*** Register on this link to join us on October 2nd ***

As always, feel free to reach out to David R. or Connor I. at if you have any questions or want to learn how to get more involved with GBIO’s work.