Two Exciting Milestones for GBIO (Greater Boston Interfaith Organization)

Funding for public housing:

Last week, Governor Healey proposed a major increase in funding for the state’s long-neglected 43,000 units of public housing, which are in desperate, desperate need of capital improvements. This has been a focus of GBIO activity for nearly two years. Her proposal needs approval by the Legislature, and GBIO is organizing meetings with key senators and representative in the next two months. If you want to help, please click here.


Zoning reform in Brookline for more housing and more affordable housing:

After months of negotiations, GBIO and the Yes In Brookline campaign are happy to report a zoning proposal for meaningful zoning reform to make housing development possible near our transit stations is ready for Town Meeting this November 14. It needs a two-thirds majority to pass. Please visit to learn more, and see how you can help!


Questions? Contact David R. or Connor I., your GBIO Liaisons, at for more information.