Volunteers and Donations Needed for Community Thanksgiving Dinner

It’s time to sign up for the Community Thanksgiving Dinner that we host on Thanksgiving Day. We extend a community-wide invitation to this annual dinner, which brings in around 175 people every year. For many, this is their only chance at a family-style traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Therefore, we need many volunteers and lots of food donations. We have opportunities for people to donate food, flowers, kitchen items, and their time helping with set-up, cooking, and clean-up.


To sign up to VOLUNTEER, click here. **UPDATE**: Thank you so much for your interest. As of the morning of 11/10 – we need to stop volunteer sign-ups as we have a very large number already signed up. We’re sorry not to be able to include you as a volunteer this year – but please still come as a guest and enjoy the great food and company! We’d love to see you. If you have any remaining questions, please contact us at thanksgiving@upbrookline.org. Many blessings to you.


To sign up to DONATE FOOD, click here.


Turkeys and fresh food would be best to drop off as close to November 19 as possible.

All other contributions can be dropped off earlier, if preferred.


To make a monetary donation, please mail a check, or donate online here, or through PayPal.

For more information, please contact Mark J., Arielle C., or Jenny P. at thanksgiving@upbrookline.org.