Rite 13

Rite-13 is part of our middle school curriculum, and guides 8th graders  through a celebration of their “coming of age” and what that means to them and to their faith, culminating in a celebratory meal with family and friends and special recognition during worship.

The Rite-13 celebration marks a transition point in the lives of the 8th grade youth at United Parish, who are on the brink of exploring who they are in the world and how to make decisions as an individual. They have spent two years learning about themselves as individuals and understanding their creative potential, while exploring Biblical stories of God and God’s people. The Rite-13 Celebration is the community expression of this and serves as a rite of passage from childhood towards adulthood.

Book of Wisdom

At their Rite 13 Celebration, 8th graders are presented with a Book of Wisdom compiled by the congregation and personalized with letters from family members and friends, offering life wisdom through the years. All are welcome to contribute to each spring’s Book of Wisdom, which is announced in our newsletter.

Want to get involved? Have questions?

Contact the Children and Youth Deepening Ministry Team at cydeepening@upbrookline.org